Girls’ Fashion Night Out – An Excuse to Tweet
Girls’ Fashion Night Out – An Excuse to Tweet
When an Empress issues a command, her lowly subjects fall in live. So the missive came, “I need you to please add to my blog” Sounds like a request, right? No, I wasn’t fooled. The Empress had spoken. What follows are comments posted on It promises to be an interesting, fun-filled blog as the inimitable, irrepressible TV Talk Show Host, Empress, draws women together to speak our hearts out on subjects of importance to us.
The MeetUp
Now, let me tell you about Fashion Night Out (FNO) in Kingston, Jamaica with maven Marilyn Bennett of wine connoisseur fame and my friend Novadene. Working toward her PhD in France, Novadene, arrived the day before the much advertized event and was eager to sample its offing. Having vacationed with her in Paris, she already knew my ‘must have fun’, shopaholic trademark.
Recently crowning myself ‘Tweet Queen’, I decided that FNO was a tweet-worthy event. The route was planned. Armed with fully charged Blackberry, Novadene and I headed out. After about 3 stops and much sampling of Baileys Rum Cream, chocolate coated apples, etc., we arrived at Bijoux jewellery store. There was Marilyn in all her glory having a whale of a time. Completing my retail therapy (the Pandora bracelet really wasn’t for me but my God daughter), Novadene and I headed out to continue tweeting and meeting. Marilyn would not be left behind! In wild abandon she left her car where it was parked and joined us on the drive.
Hooked on Twitter
Well what a night!! We chatted, sampled a wide variety of mixed beverages (AKA alcoholic mixes), including the night’s special blend, Voguista, with its base—Jamaica’s Appleton Reserve Rum, aged to perfection. I tweeted like a fiend and as if this were my new profession. Marilyn became so caught up with this social networking form that even though she slept all the way from the heights of Stony Hill after we dropped Novadene home, by the time we got to Manor Park she was bright eyed and bushy tailed for another round of retail therapy and tweeting.
This night out driving around, store gazing, sight seeing and tweeting more than shopping showed how much fun can be had from life’s simple pleasures. No, we didn’t sample any of the big style events the night offered nor the jam-packed plazas, but had a great time nevertheless. Meetups with tweeps was inevitable, @yardedge, @EmpressTV and @kelliemagnus were among those we ran into. And oh, I must tell you about some silky soft Victoria’s Secret undies from Stanley & Empress.