
Marcia Forbes PhD
March 9, 2016

Fresh-faced Senators so Far

Marcia Forbes PhD
September 23, 2013

Women at the Tip

Marcia Forbes PhD
March 6, 2013

We Waan Jostice! Who Cares?

Marcia Forbes PhD
February 27, 2016

Not a Loser?

On Election Day February 25th when asked by a female reporter what if she lost, Jamaica’s female Prime Minister retorted, “Do I look like a loser?” No, PM Simpson-Miller did not lose her seat. In fact her victory margin of over ten thousand votes in 2011 grew by more than four hundred.

Marcia Forbes PhD
February 22, 2016

Political Families a Global Norm?

In the USA they have the Kennedys, the Bushes and the Clintons.

Marcia Forbes PhD
February 11, 2016

Hillary v/s Bernie

Marcia Forbes PhD
January 19, 2015

Women Less than 5% of CEOs & 50 to 100 years for parity

In its Jan. 2015 report, the International Labour Organization (ILO) announces a gaining momentum of women in business and management across the globe. As I prepared for a lightning read through, my first stop was the ‘Contents’ pages.

Marcia Forbes PhD
April 24, 2013

Trinidadian & Jamaican Working Together

Two dynamic women, Racquel Goddard from Trinidad and Kellie Magnus from Jamaica, got together to pull off an event hosted in Jamaica on World Book Night, celebrated on April 23.

Marcia Forbes PhD
January 15, 2013

A Solid WROC

With the talk at every level of Jamaican society being about the IMF and the critical role the coming relationship with this institution will play in the country’s future, it makes good sense for civil society to understand more. Titled “Economic Literacy and Gender Budget Analysis Training Course for Civil Society”, this programme was designed to do that. Under the auspices of the insightful and forward-thinking Women’s Resource Outreach Centre, training was offered to 30 persons for a small fee and on a first come first served basis.
