January 2013

Marcia Forbes PhD

Below is an extract from my presentation to the Jamaica Customer Service Association.

Jamaica Customer Service Association

Power Up! Log On!
Stay Connected to Service Excellence

Service Connection via Social Media

→ Social networking sites – Facebook, ?Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube

→ Internet Forums

Marcia Forbes PhD

The invitation was for me to be a part of a panel discussion pertaining to media images and violence against women and girls. This was the Bureau of Women’s Affairs’ educational thrust. The event was in recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to be celebrated two days later on November 25th.

Marcia Forbes PhD
February 12, 2013

Professor Patricia Mohammed, Professor of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad has given Dr Marcia Forbes' book 'Music, Media & Adolescent Sexuality in Jamaica' a glowing review. The following has been excerpted from her review.

Marcia Forbes PhD

The 51% Coalition – One Year Later

Marcia Forbes PhD

The Bureau of Women’s Affairs in Jamaica partnered with the Blossom O’Meiley-Nelson Foundation to examine ‘The Impact of Public Images on Sexual Violence against Women & Girls’. The following is my presentation which specifically examined the influences of music and media in shaping behaviours. Some of the material here had to be cut from the presentation in view of time constraints.

Marcia Forbes PhD

Recently the public relations students at the Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication at the University of the West Indies invited me as their Keynote Speaker to discuss 'The Future of the Business of Social Media in the Caribbean'. This fell under their broader theme which has been modified and used as my captioned title. Excerpts from that presentation are shared here.

Marcia Forbes PhD

Boys Love the Internet

After Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe's recent piercing comments about Jamaican males, it was heartening to analyse responses from 57 inner-city males who attend non-traditional high schools in the island. These youths wrote their opinions in response to an open-ended survey question - 'What does the Internet mean to you?'

Marcia Forbes PhD

A Love Affair

"The Internet mean a lot to me, without the Internet I can't survive. It's my life."

"The Internet is the part of the computer I love the most."

"The net is a new world for me that allows me to escape my problems and just talk and hang with friends."

"If I don't have it I would feel different, alone, left out."